Friday, October 15, 2010

Past, Present, Future

One of the things I really enjoyed in term three was when everyone got to design an ice-cream in our own little company. We then had to gather our own ingredients and Miss G brought vanilla ice cream for the base. Soon after we made the ice cream we had to serve the ice cream to room 3 to taste test. ‘Rain Forest Drops’ won. Although my group didn't win I still had an exhilarating time making the ice cream and presenting to room3.

During the holidays me and my family went to the beach. On the way we could hear the waves crashing against the rocks leaving a trail of milky white foam and splashing us leaving us saturated with water. Something black patternless and shimmering caught my eye. I went to see what it was and it was a starfish. Soon I picked it up and poked the middle of the starfish with a stick. It’s legs started to move which gave me a humongous fright. I then threw it to my little brother who screamed in terror.

Some of the goals I want to achieve this term is to try and concentrate on my work and try not to distract those around me and try not to get distracted myself. My other goal is to to make it to National Norm in my reading and writing by doing what I am asked.

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